Register for up coming classes
All zoom online classes are donation-based. Our goal is to help as many people as we can during the pandemic, your donation will help support unprivileged practitioners to practice with us.
Venmo & PayPal to @jonwittyoga, for Zelle, would be
Instruction on how to register for a class:
1. Select/ Click the class with the exact date you want on the schedule/ calendar.
2. Click - Register now
3. Click - RSVP then insert your name and email address that you would like to receive the zoom link.
4. Then click - Submit.
Each class uses a separate link which means you have to register for the class individually. You can find the upcoming classes and register for multiple classes at the same time. This is an automatic system so you should receive the zoom link within 5 to 10 mins.
I am a 74 year old cancer survivor. I have been taking a weekly "private" with Jon for over a year. It is almost intuitive the way Jon understands on any given week what is working well for me, and what is not working so well. As I have been working with Jon I find myself becoming stronger and more flexible with each passing month. For my 74th birthday we took a video of me doing a one minute headstand with Jon bracing just one of my legs.
"Bob Werbel"
Mentor newly grad yoga teachers or new to the industry. You have graduated but do not know how to get started, I can help you. Many people have asked these questions, such as:
I am certified but I do not how to get started professionally?
- How much should you be charging per session?
- How to teach online?
- How to teach someone who has more than one injury?
Learn how to build a sustainable yoga business.
Get clarity as how you want to shape your yoga business.
Either you are a practitioner or yoga teacher. Jon teaches privately online to give you ultimately the best feedback to assure healthy practice. It is
available One on One to a
small group from 60 mins to 75 mins.